Tuesday 12 October 2010

Stages of Front Cover Production

To create my school magazine front cover I used Photoshop; whilst producing my front cover I took screenshots of my work to show the different stages involved.

Firstly I uploaded my main image and adjusted it so that it was in a suitable place on the front cover.
I then created my masthead- I chose a font that would be unique to any other text on my page.

After creating my masthead I added my positioning statement "Highlighting The School Events You Care About", making sure to used a different font style and colour to my masthead. I also added my issue number, price and barcode.

I then added my main coverline "Top Results For GCSE Students" using quite a large font size so that the text would be more eye catching.

Finally I created my coverlines, for example "Year 12 Trip To Barcelona", using various font sizes and a colour that would stand out against the image. I also used buzz words such as "Exclusive".

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