Tuesday 28 September 2010

Plans For New School Magazine

Today we began work on our preliminary exercise; this involves creating a front cover and contents page for a new school/college magazine. We began by creating a plan for our front cover:
Title: Focus (I chose this title because the magazine will focus on school events and it implies concentration.)
Positioning Statement: Highlighting the school events you care about
Mise-en-scene: i will be using a photo of a girl wearing school uniform and carrying a folder (medium close-up). The background will be the school corridor.
  • "Top results for GCSE students"
  • "Meet our new Head Girl"
  • "In For a Change- a new school uniform is on its way!"
  • "Dates for your Diary"
  • "Year 12 trip to Barcelona"
  • "Successful Summer Sports Day- highlights from your week of competition"
  • "Exclusive! New Healthy Lunch Menu"
  • "Visit from author Anne Cassidy"
  • "Sneek peek! at Beauty and the Beast"
  • "Weatherhead raises £1000 for charity!"
For my second task I made a plan for the contents page of the magazine:
Regular Content:
  • "Who's done what?"- see what our pupils have been up to in their free time.
  • "What's new in school?"- up to the minute news on what is new at Weatherhead.
  • "Dates for your diary"- school events and holiday dates
  • "Recipe of the month"
  • "Which year group will win?"- find out what year group has been involved in the most school activities this month.
Feature Articles:
  • "In for a Change"- new school uniform article
  • "Meet our new Head girl"- interview
  • "Top results for GCSE students"
  • "Sneak peek at upcoming play Beauty and the Beast"
  • "Year 12 trip to Barcelona"
  • "Visit from author Anne Cassidy"- interview
  • "Successful Summer Sports Day"- highlights from the week of sport
  • "New healthy school menu!"
  • "Back to school blues?"- how to organise your school and home time effectively
  • "Could you be Weatherheads new superstar?"- news about the halloween talent show
Images for Contents Page:
  • Pupils taking part in sporting activities- Sports day article
  • Image of head girl- Interview with new head girl
  • Image from the school canteen- New school menu
  • Pupil wearing new uniform- New school uniform article
  • Image of a clock- Back to school blues? article

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